Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hi from Koni, Niger

Hi friends and family. Internet is frustratingly slow here but we have a new motto in Niger. Sannu Sannu, sai hankuri. slowly slowly, have patience. i miss you all. im running out of time online but i want you all to know i'm happy and healthy and having a good time here, everything is so different (even this keyboard). i can't wait to contact you all and let you know about my adventures.
know that although its hot the nights are cooling. i'm learning to garden and learning Hausa. the culture here is so different but people are the same the world around. it's amazing!
letters are expensive to send from here (3 coca colas = 1 letter to the states or to cameroun) but i loooooooove receiving all forms of mail. so please do it often. i will be getting a cell phone soon and may be able to access the internet more frequently in about a week and a half and up until training is over. if you want to ever be able to talk to me sign up for skype and find out how much it cost to call a cell from the internet. if not send letters and ill send some back though you might not get african postage. also respond to this blog or send me emails or write on facebook. ill respond to what i can when i can!
i miss everyone a lot!
all my love


  1. Glad to here all is well with you and that you're happy out there!

    Keep an eye out for more mail, I'll have another letter coming your way shortly. (I just had my first final exam so it has been very busy 'round here, but ill try to get another letter out your way soon :)

    Stay Well.


  2. Sara - Your email and blog post were great to receive. Dad read them to me. Can't wait to hear your voice again. Post some comments on how well outfitted you are with all the care and preparation you made to get there. How's the back pack, the Leatherman, the sandals and the hat - etc., etc. Did you get the Halloween candy? I guess not - I ate it. Snap! I'll Skype up tomorrow and be ready fot a call. Love you - Miles

  3. Sara - I can "hear" from your email how happy you are and that makes me happy. I can't wait until we get to speak with you and I can hear your voice. I never want you to forget how much you are loved and how proud of you we are. Stay safe my daughter. Love, Mom.

  4. Hey! How's my fav Niece? It is so great to read all about "you"! I am so excited for you. I have told everyone I know all about your adventure. I have even stopped unsuspecting people on the street to tell them:-) I hope you enjoy every moment. I am looking forward to reading your blog and will check into skype, which I have been meaning to do. In the meantime, be safe, have fun and know you are loved!

  5. OMG-that post took me 3 hours! The first one was really long. At least I figured it out. It was 3 degrees here at 7:30 this morning. We have about 4 " of snow and more is expected. More later. Be safe, have fun. Love you sweetie.

  6. i have so many questions! how's the Hausa lessons going? Have you been using your French a lot? How's the food? I wrote most of my questions in my letter which you will receive soon hopefully. I hope you can update us all on this blog soon. I keep having the urge to call you -- it's so wierd not to be able to pick up the phone and reach you. Miss you!

    Love, Lea

